
Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Edit.

I have always loved double exposure photography. When I dabbled with manual photography I loved the accidentally- awesome mistake when the film would stuff up and expose two images on to the one frame. Sometimes it would ruin the photo and look terrible and over-exposed, but sometimes, it created a bit of a masterpiece (usually mine were the former, to be honest). So, I decided why not do the same, but with a bit more control, to some of my favourite digital images? The first photo is one Tim took of me in Halifax, which I put some pretty autumn leaves over, because I love leaves! That first one was just using an image off photoshop, but in the below ones I used two images I had taken myself to create the effect.
This was a bit of a fave of Tim and I on the ferry from Sausalito over to San Fran Sisco. I decided to try two different images on top- the first one an American Flag graffiti we found, also in SF, and below, some magnolia flowers from the same trip. Not sure which I like best, but in the first one both images are pretty strong so maybe they're not that balanced.. but I like it anyway!
Then I decided to turn my pretty flower Nicola into a pretty flower!! Hehe I love this one, she looks so cute. The flower pic was one I took on a recent trip to the Pialago nurseries.

I used Adobe Photoshop Elements, and this awesome tutorial, so I'm not going to bother to explain the process (which is actually really easy), if you want to do it yourself, go here!: 

This past weekend was filled with fun events, dancing, gallivanting, camping, bonfires, beach babes and lots of laughs, so I'll have more good photos coming soon that I may just play around with as well!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Autumn Outings

I really love autumn- when the chill starts to set in, but its still warm enough for bare legs every now and again, and the leaves turn every shade of orange and gold. Oh- the colours! Last year I fell in love with the colours we saw in Canada, where Fall seemed to last forever- it was so beautiful! But good old Canberra gets some really stunning days in Autumn too! 
Last weekend we celebrated the season as well as my lovely Mama's birthday by going out for a brunch and a leisurely stroll through a plant farm. A perfect Sunday.
 Aww little Erica- hey, bro!
 Ma blueberries!!
This is a little pic I snapped on my phone on my regular run route- I have to say, it's not such a bad place to live!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Little Things

 Sometimes it can be really hard not to get bogged down in the Big Things. The life things- what to do about my future, career, plans, goals. Those things have been confusing me and getting me down a bit lately, but I know it'll all work out eventually, so sometimes its important to just focus on the little things- coffee dates, making time for important people, painting something, taking a picture, going for a run. Appreciating that in reality, even if I might not know where I'll be or what I'll be doing a year from now- right now, everything is still pretty good!
Here are some photos from some recent lovely days about town. The above couple are from my friend's Mum's 50th which was out in Piallago- at a plant nursery- really beautiful area out there. Below the plant theme continues with some shots from the National Arboretum which we spent the day walking around- trees are cool!
Tim and our lovely Finnish friend, Sofie
 I really love the 'wide brown land' statue
 Oh, and then easter happened! I'm still eating too much chocolate and mum's little marzipan chickens! Yum.
It's my Mumma's Birthday tomorrow! 
Grattis Mamma-lilla, du är bäst!
How gorgeous was she?! Still is!
You're the best mum in the whole world, thank you for being so awesome! :)

Little things make the world go around. There really is beauty in every single day, as long as you take the time to look for it.